Newer weather stations (installed in 2019-20)
NEWA station located in front of the building – you can also use the link to the weather underground for data download and current condition.
Vineyard sensors – under Exports tab. Data is collected every 5 min (not the summary, but raw data every 5 min).
Older stations (not the best ones at this point)
These are download links to weather data files in AHS AREC. These are in “.dat” file which can be opened with Excel or notepad. The first set of sensors are at the outside of the canopy and the second sets are located inside of the canopy. Measurements are recorded every 15 min. The files should be updated every 4 hours. (Note: Precipitation is only working with the hoop house area one.)
At the top of the hill (Viticulture vineyard): (15 min) (60 min)
At the bottom of the hill (GP Chardonnay): (15 min) (60 min)
At the hoop house area (from June 2024): (15 min) (60 min)
At the hoop house area (2021 to June 2024) (Plant Pathology orchard from 2023 to March 2021): (15 min) (60 min)